Passionate teacher, tinkerer and engineer, as well as father and husband. Enjoys living in Berlin, Germany, but loves to explore the world, too! Leisure interests include scuba diving, snowboarding and farming veggies. You might also want to check out my professional page.
Professor at Beuth University Berlin
Postdoc at Freie Universität Berlin
Dr.-Ing. (PhD)
Research Assistant at Fraunhofer Fokus, Berlin
Technical Support Specialist at SAP, Dublin
Technical Support Contractor at Hewlett Packard, Dublin
Dipl.-Ing. Technische Informatik (MEng)
Student Assistant at Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin
Software Developer at datango, Berlin
Software Developer at pro!vision, Berlin
Lead Graphics Development at Novedia, Berlin
Student Assistant at GMD/Fraunhofer FIRST, Berlin